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Why Diets Don't Work?


Updated: May 7, 2024

Weight loss advice, diet pills and diet plans are on every street corner and it is confusing to know which plan will work for your body. What works for one person may not work for another, but it all comes down to a simple formula. "EAT LESS CALORIES THAN YOUR BODY BURNS" sounds simple, right?

One Small Problem

Most of you probably don't know how many calories your body burns and you have no idea when you start a diet if your losing weight or just simply dehydrated. Your body is made up of 60% water, which means a 200lb person is made up of 120lbs of water, and although your scale may show you lost weight, the pounds will come right back when you drink a glass of water.

Believe it or not their is a science behind weight loss. Your bodies ability to adapt to changes in your diet are simply remarkable and without constantly looking at the science inside your body, you may end up causing a bigger problem with your bodies systems.

Case In Point:

13 out of the 14 winning contestants on the TV's hit series "Biggest Loser" weight more now than they did before the show started. What the show did not take into account was the bodies ability to adapt to rapid weight loss. When you lose weight to rapidly, your body panics in fear that you are sick and will slow your metabolic rate down to a crawl in order to put the weight back on.

Science now understands a great deal more about the bodies excess weight and fat cells. What was recently discovered by medicine was that your fats cells are not just simply storage organs in your body. They actually produce a lot of your bodies hormones and are in charge of far more than they were given credit.

Another well documented study demonstrated that tribes in Africa that still hunt and gather their food, walk ten to fifteen miles a day to find it and chase it down, kill it, skin it and carry it back to their settlements burn the same amount of calories in their body daily as a typical American. There is a great documentary called "The Truth About Fat" on PBS that shows the information about this study and a lot more.


Tips on how to successfully lose weight:

  • First understand that your genetics play a roll in how heavy you are. What we tell our clients at Club Recharge is don't expect to weigh less than you did when you were 18-21. If you were a heavy kid the odds are your genetics predetermined your weight and without a lot of battles you are probably never going to weigh less then you did in that age range.

  • Losing weight to quickly will scare your body and shut down your metabolic rate. A good goal should be 1-2 lbs per month over a long period of time.

  • Frequency of meals matters more to your body than quality of food. We teach our clients at Recharge to take control of their bodies and feed it on a schedule of about 3 hours in between meals. Don't wait until your body tells you that you are hungry, because there is a much higher chance of over eating.

The most important thing you need to understand about weight loss is that you are not stronger than the chemicals in your body. In other words weight loss in not about will power to not eat, if it was drug addicts could just say no. I often tell my clients if will power works none of us would have never dated that person that was completely wrong for us but we just couldn't help ourselves. If your hungry than eat.

one last thing

Stay away from sodium as much as you can, it destroys your bodies ability to burn calories . Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Lastly throw away the scale and buy a tape measure, it doesn't matter how much you weight, it matters how much less round you become. If you were on the moon you would weigh less, but still be just as round.

Club Recharge - 14490 Pearl Road - Strongsville - OH 44136. Hours: Monday-Friday 10AM-8PM - Saturday-Sunday-12PM-5PM (Phone: 440-567-1146) #clubrecharge

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